Monday, October 8, 2007

Growing up...

My Markie is growing up. We filled out his first college application today. He really wants to go to Humboldt. Jason went there, he still has some family up there. It would be a very nice place for Mark to go. He also was able to practice a little bit today. His knee is feeling ok. I hope he can play this week. We start playing league games this week. Everything starts counting NOW! By the way, go to and vote for Pioneer to be one of the games of the week. We are hecka losing right now, we need all the votes we can get!

Amanda has started her job. Aaron was offered a job today. I hope things start improving for them. They have to grow up sometime. They have to get are considered a grown up...get used to it!!!

Amanda works here at the front desk!

Jacob is gone for the whole week. He went to Sly Park with his class. I am really having a hard time (it has only been since this morning). I do everything with this kid! The other two are self sufficient and don't need me. Jacob has been my buddy for a long time now, especially with Jason gone a lot. I think this will be good for both of us. He will have to be self sufficient, and I will be able to break the cycle of doing everything for him!

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