Monday, December 8, 2008

Another year has passed...

I am 41 today. This year has gone so fast. I have almost finished my first year of nursing school. Jason has done a wonderful job of keeping the house together while I study my heart out. Mark is completing his first semester of college. I have discovered that I will be a grandmother by the summer. Amanda and Aaron are expecting. I worry that they are not ready, but ready or not....

I reflect on all of the things I want to get done but haven't. I still haven't lost weight. I still haven't done things around the house. We haven't taken those vacations. The yard is falling apart. I keep saying that I will work on these things when I am done with school, but then I think about all the things I have said in the past....after the kids get older, after this football season, after we make more money. Slowly, these chances are slipping away. The kids are growing up and away. My grandfather always told me "if not now, when?". He is always good for an appropriate saying!

So anyway, I guess that is my goal for the next year. What I can fit in between school work and the kids...I will make things happen!


Amanda said...

Happy Birthday! Sorry about being a day late. It really is hard to find the time to do all the things you want to do. There are so many things I want to do, but I just don't seem to be able to find the time. Congratulations on your first grandchild!!

Melissa C. said...

Happy Birthday KATIE!!!