Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Spirit

Where is it? I used to get such a wonderful feeling around Christmas. It was an actual feeling I would get in my chest. It was warmth and good feelings. I haven't been able to capture that feeling in several years. I wonder how to recapture that feeling. Is it because of the stress of the holidays? Is it because I have to worry that everyone gets what they want? Was it only a feeling I could have as a "young person", one with less worries and cares? Can I find it at church, would I find it volunteering at a homeless shelter, is it to be found if I ran away with the family for a day trip to somewhere fun?

Does anyone know what I am talking about???

1 comment:

Walt Lucas said...

The elusive Christmas spirit, where did it go? Or did it ever leave?

Good questions.

Forgive me if I jump on my soap box, I mean no offense.

It is easy to become jaded and a bit cynical when Christmas time rolls around. If we had a pressure gauge to measure the effect the Holidays have on us, I am sure the needle would be pegged a day or two before Christmas.

Thoughts of shopping, money, relatives and chores needed to be checked off can make us forget why we celebrate Christmas.

As a Christian who in the last few years, has become more involved in my church through a small group Bible study and volunteering, I celebrate Christmas a little differently than I have in the past.

I always knew the Jesus was the 'reason for the season' but in the past, those words were a little hollow to me.

I realize now how much God loves us. So much that he allowed his Son, who was perfect, who never knew sin, to take the hit for all of our sins. God reached out to us as mankind and gave this most precious gift to us. Victory over eternal death and separation from God.

So when we celebrate the birth of Christ, we should think of why He came to earth. Not to punish us for our sins, although we deserve just that, but to give us this gift. As we rip the wrapping paper off our presents this year, think about the most important gift you could ever receive.

As I posted on my blog about pondering. This time of year, I try to make time, a few hours if I can, to think about how blessed I am. Not that my life perfect, far from it, but I do have a wonderful family, a good job and most importantly a savior who loves me, who forgives me and says 'Be still and know that I am God'

That is where I find that warm feeling at Christmas time. I can't get too wrapped up in giving the wrong size or that I feel snubbed by so and so, I just remember back to the gift I first opened as a young man sitting in a middle school gym that served as our church. I asked Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me. When I think about that, all is right in the world.

Sorry to get preachy with you all but I just cam back from church and I am feeling it. ;-)

Have a wonderful Christmas!