Tuesday, May 13, 2008

First Semester Coming to a Close.

I have attended my last class of the semester, all that remains is the final exam on May 19th. Nursing school has been such an amazing experience. I have never put so much effort into something in my life. I spent at least nine hours the night before clinical doing my "prep", studying for tests for 12 hours straight, and reading, reading, and more reading. I have learned that I can read pretty good on a treadmill and it helps me stay awake reading the dry nursing theory text! I have fallen asleep countless times on the couch while trying to keep up with all that reading!
I have made new friends, shared in their triumphs and despairs. We have become a close group, and it was painful for each one of us when someone didn't make it. One person in particular was hard for me to take losing, we had taken several of our pre requisite classes together. I was hoping to finish up the long bumpy road with her. I have made a new friend, Tammy. Although she is much younger, 24, we seem to understand one another.
Next semester we are being broken up and integrated into 3 new groups with the Marysville students. I am grateful that I am going to still be with Tammy so we can commute (she lives in a nearby town). I enjoyed my instructor. I felt that she was fair and I appreciated her frankness.
I enjoyed my clinical time at Woodland Memorial. It was comforting to be around people I knew and a place I was familiar with. Moving on to a new hospital next semester will be good for me too. Perhaps the cloak of anonymity will give me more confidence.
I look forward to working this summer, I miss the ER and all my friends.


lovemycats said...

I am sure everyone is so proud of you!! Your family, friends and coworkers know how hard you have worked. Good Luck!!!

IU3KIDS said...

You have so much experience that the younger ones, who are going through the program, don't stand a chance. IU Mom