Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Today changes my world...

My 18 year old daughter dropped a bombshell on my yesterday. She told me she is getting married. Today. She has made some poor decisions in her life. This one takes the grand prize. It is not that I don't like the young man. It is that she has a track record of changing boyfriends like some people change their clothes. It is that she will not be covered by my health insurance anymore. It is that she will be moving to Yuba City when she just started a good job in Woodland. It is that she needs to finish her high school diploma through adult ed and I fear that she will give up on that once she moves. It is that she won't even wait to save a little money to have a decent ceremony, or pay for a deposit on an apartment, or even pay for her own car insurance. My husband has elected to not attend the ceremony. I am going because I would regret it if I did not. The event however, hold as much excitement for me as an impending execution.


Amanda said...

Hi, my name is Amanda and I just accidently stumbled upon your blog yesterday (5/8/07). Hope you don't mind me reading/commenting!

It must be really hard going through this! I can't even imagine. Of course my daughter is just barely turning 10 in a week, but the heartbreak you must be feeling. I'll pray for you and your daughter.

lovemycats said...

I was hoping for an update on your weight loss program. I am so sorry- I know this is hitting you hard. Just keep taking deep breaths and know that so many in the community care about you and your family. She is so acting like a teenager, but sometimes you have to let them make their mistakes and learn from them. My oldest is causing me much grief right now also and I know the above advice is really hard to follow.
Hmmmm...maybe if she had had me for a teacher...